Our Partners

We help you reach your vision through publishing and growth!


About us

VIVA Games exists so you can turn your gaming projects into business successes!

As a spin off of the Genera Games Group we have had the privilege over the years to develop key learnings and infrastructure in mobile gaming thanks to working on massive titles for brands like Disney’s Frozen, Star Wars, Hasbro, SONY, and many more! We have applied this know-how and resources to help incubate or publish dozens of games, many of them reaching multi-million dollar revenue!

We know the recipe to cheer your games up!​

Lifetime downloads
100 M
+ 10
Downloads per day
100 K
Succesful games
+ 5

… and growing every day

Our studios​

10 Studios and increasing​

The VIVA Studios family grows every year with teams in Europe, North America and the LAD and MENA regions transforming great ideas and publishing successful games for mobile and tablet.

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